Wednesday, September 8, 2010

7/2010 Buffalo/Bison

This year they were calling 'em buffalo without apology and then slipping in bison. We're all supposed to know they are bison. Buffalo fits the ruff image of the beast and I think all but the true mamologists have given up trying to force the issue. I know you can see these guys in the west on farms and ranches, but they don't act the same waiting to be meat. There's enuff of 'em at YNP now to make sizable herds of 1,000 or more.
That's cool seeing them dotting the valleys for the long view. It finally looks something, a little bit, of what the early herds look like. Ok, as ya can see in this photo, not even, but bigger and wider ranging than what I've seen in the past.
This one was too close and I got buf fever and outa focus. Lucky Ralph was driving or I woulda run off the road too as my body was out the moon roof.

This is what happens when a buffalo takes up one of the lanes: buffalo jam.

1 comment:

snowy owl said...

Just to let you know, they are good to eat: great source of protein and minimal fat. Come on over, I'm frying up some tonight.