Sometimes others have offer speculation about meanings and locations of the art work. Maybe, and the leap in culture, and time makes this a daunting task. The guy here with the "sun" or "star" held high? That is from Maui at a site (as are all these photos) I went looking for on one trip and couldn't find. The directions made no sense so I missed them. This one seems to stimulate lots of speculation and I can see why. Who is that and what's happening here? When was this made? How does it relate to the other nearby art and figures? Was there something on the rock that broke away to the left? Maybe a friend or a foe? Does the previous one replicate the same event, but more crudely? Or is that a valentine? With a Turtle? Probably not. 

I once considered anthropology as a career but as quickly let it pass as I thought I needed to make a living and the description of job options sounded bleak, but I still enjoy the opportunity to look at the findings of archeologists and read some of the cultural anthropology findings and theories. Seeing these images in the outdoors though sings in a completely different voice than any documentary or paper depiction of another culture than my own.
I especially like the human or human-like figures as they seem to communicate more about our common ground of being people. After my last post I received a couple of great photos of other rock art that I hadn't seen which was great fun to look at too.
Wow, more great photos!
I've seen quite a few petroglyphs here on Hawai'i Island while hiking, and also I researched them a while back for an art project. The ones in your photos are unique, and the style I think is considered "later," meaning just before contact with Europeans. Remember, Polynesians arrived here "only" about 1000 years ago. Before that there were no humans at all.
That's what I recall, these images were more recent than most and having said that, I know dating is so difficult with rock art.
Making career in anthropology is really very good I also have my interest in this I like the ancient marks which gives message to us they are like saying something to us. The images you had shared are very nice to see .Thank for the sharing.
many many thank for shareing information about ROCK ART...........
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