With all the magical features at YNP they did run out of names. Rippling alliteration might describe a falls in any other park and here we have a magnificent show of color flowing into the Madison River that has no name assigned! I've been told naming things is a male thing so I'll try to get over it.

Click this one up to full size for more perspective on the broader view. Many of the thermal areas are huge with multiple shows occurring at the same time.

This might be called a thermal river runs from it. Even in mid-July it's still spring here with lovely wildflowers gracing the edges of thermals.

I stood by a man shooting 10 shots for every one of mine at the Paint Pots. This exploding bubble was what I was interested in capturing. This fascinating and active pot of mud could command attention for hours. I had to drag myself away.

This will present the wider context for the paint pots.
In the midst of imminent destruction, the delicate flower. You don't want to know how explosive this part of the country is.
If it wasn't for nature's destructive violence, we would have no beauty to gape at or demonstrate our eloguent prose.
Great photos!
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