Monday, September 13, 2010


It was my considered opinion that this is the thermal that ate the car and turned it into rust.

We hiked down Tom's Trail, 308 steps, into the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone River. Tom was an enterprising man in the early days of Yellowstone who built a wooden stairway and a rope ladder to the bottom of the canyon here to show people the Lower Falls. He even plied the river using his strong back to pull people into a superior view than is afforded today. I suppose were he to tire, one might make an unscheduled sightseeing trip of the remaining many miles of the canyon as well.

Of course that has it's attractions as well, including the Artist Point. Like so many places with high volume visitation, as we moved a few dozen yards down the trails from the parking lots the crowds soon gave way to unexpected solitude.

1 comment:

snowy owl said...

Educational. I'd seen pictures of that falls and river canyon, but didn't know they belonged to Yellowstone. Thanks.