Friday, February 19, 2010

Texas Bound

On our trip to Big Bend, Texas we are hauling our trailer down the road and made it Palm Springs. Maybe there's an RV park around there, but we stayed the night at a resort near Desert Hot Springs. Gotta be 55 to get in the gate. Most residents own little "park motor homes" which are permanently in place, about 500 of them. The lot we were assigned between a couple of those and probably waiting for someone to buy a unit to put on there. Backed up to the golf course, it was pleasant enough, but more crowded than home by a factor of about 95X. Nice hot pools though!

A little tour through the Springs proves it still takes major bucks to have a winter abode here on the warm side and the upscale landscaping begs the water shortage issue.

Dinner in down town saw us eating pizza on the street at a great Italian place where a fellow diner asked, "How's the pizza? I've never tried that." I suspect most go there for the real food. We walked the main tourist, retail business thorough fare and drove back to our new residence site and popped into the hot pool for an evening soak. Not bad for the first night on the road!

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