Monday, September 6, 2010

Road Warts

While most blogs are in the current moment, this not! Shooting for the 5th of July seemed a sane idea. Some revelers would be off the road and we would begin. Our tire guy just wasn't ready to re-shoe the BigFoot (our trailer) and we got under way July 6th, maybe an even a more sane start of a summer road trip. It was leisurely compared with time-confined vacations of the working years: breakfast at Cody's, stop by the tire guy's, oh yeah, and a last minute check with the medical lab and we were on the road by 9:10A. Here's a photo of my old tractor I managed to sell with a blown up engine just before leaving home (didn't have any interesting road photos this day!


Anonymous said...

nice picture of tractor, small, with blown up, take your word for it, engine. So, you're ... on the road ... da-dane

Dennis L. Nord, Ph.D. said...

I'll post a pic of the new tractor, it's also red, but bigger and better.