Monday, September 13, 2010


Barry Lopez waxes elegantly about how we need wilderness for a look into our past for better understanding and for rejuvenation. Yellowstone offers more view points than most places I've seen, from grand geysers, to the quiet steaming pools. It might be we'll find the keys to conflict resolution and personal development out in the sticks. I keep looking.

It's certain Lopez didn't think of complex directions for erecting a screen tent as the back-to-nature experience we need for renewal, but when challenged with nature's buzz bomb, the mosquito, I'm all for giving that part of personal development a miss.

Some of the better places we visited, I failed to photograph, so you have to imagine the interior of the Old Faithful Inn's grand open architecture of varnished and gnarled lodgepole pine reaching up to creepy catwalks near the top. C. J. Box invented or has inner knowledge of secret hiding places up under the eves somewhere that he tucked into his Yellowstone novel, *Free Fire*. Better than imagine, go see it for yourself along with the 3.3 Million visitors sure to show up next summer!

The Upper Yellowstone Falls deserves a far better name and then it's sibling down river, the Lower Falls, you will agree, is even further short-changed. Was it a loss for words, a tired vocabulary or simply the best of understatements? Here you have the Lower Falls with Rainbow and and the Upper with Friends. Good enough!

Picture left to right: Arleta Crenshaw, Karen and Ralph Roberts and Carole Nord!


snowy owl said...

Have you read Arctic Dreams by Barry Lopez? I have an autographed copy. It's one of the better books I've read.

Richard Sherman said...

I've hesitated to plan a trip to Yellowstone in June, July or August because of the huge number of visitors. Yet you don't seem to mention it as a problem. Are you being charitable or was it really not so bad?