Thursday, September 9, 2010

7/10/2010 Fishing Bridge

I looked for photos of our camp at Fishing Bridge Camp Ground (FBCG) so I could point out how much I dislike "camping" there. None to be found, darn, and it's just as well. The best part about FBCG is that it's near the Lake and the center of the park and the other good thing is that the nights there don't count against the total the park service will allow for the season.

Our hike up Elephant Back Trail brought us to a grand vista above the lake and the Yellowstone Hotel. I'd show you a pic of how the mountain looks like an elephant, but you wouldn't get as none of us did either. What you will see is a photo from the top. Nice walk.

We learned that bear spray no doubt works as one of our party (who will remain unnamed) blasted a small snort that drifted over to another car full of tourists. They began wheezing and coughing, but as far as we could tell, didn't know what hit 'em! I tried mine later in the trip. The only people affected that time were Carole and I and we were upwind of the stuff. We coughed and wheezed too.

This is the lodge with our party's greatest Lodge Lover, Karen Roberts. I think her goal in life is to visit all the famous lodges in N. America or to live there. Here we kicked back in the grand lounge with it's comprehensive view of Yellowstone Lake and had libations, is that what they were called?


snowy owl said...

The hills are like elephants. A Hemingway short story. Ever read it? Ever know what it's about? Imagination, it's a good thing. Lodge Lover: got one meself. No roaming with the buffalo or wallowing with the bear in a lodge. Although with libations and imaginations, anything is possible.

Richard Sherman said...

What was it you didn't like about the campground? Which lodge is that? (I'm kind of partial to them myself, particularly the old ones).