Here's my hiking bud headed for the wilderness once again. Quick before the rain starts. It doesn't look like thunder and lightening, but by afternoon, it usually happened.

This photo and the one leading this blog right now were both taken from the Stanley, ID city park situated between the chapel, the airport and the elementary school. Not a tourist spot, so I had the park to myself at 4:30 AM while I out waited the fog to get the photos. Wondering why Stanley is so small with all this beauty, I started asking. Check the Stanley weather this winter for a clue. http://www.wunderground.com/cgi-bin/findweather/getForecast?query=44.2167,-114.9378

This was taken from the balcony of the finest eating establishment in Lower Stanley, ID. The Bridge Street Grill has great food and the deck over the upper Middle Fork of the Salmon River flows right below. A few hundred yards further, the river splits and is reduced to a stream of pleasing proportions, but certainly not suggestive of the appellation: "The River of no Return." We ate at the Bridge Street Grill meeting our best and newest friends there, then went back with my Nephew and wife, David and Barb Cook when they met us for a day.
If you grew up eating trout you caught, you might not order it in a cafe, right? At the Bridge Street Cafe you ought to try it, it might surprise you! I see online, some folks got slow service and didn't like their burgers, well, that wasn't our experience and we didn't get tossed out as suspected hippies or for any otherwise liberal tendencies. Hey! Whadda they know?
Oh, the bridge? Scariest motorway in 6 states I'd say. It has no rails and appears a dark slash above the river, covered with steel, solid as in slick. I'm sure in winter it's worse than it looks and it's significant, the fall to the river. Another one of those times I didn't shoot the photo. The bridge street is about 50 feet long after it drops away from the bridge itself.

Just another rock

So, that's what Carole the hot babe looks like when she's out in the woods. Not bad. Trout? I'm just not into fresh water fish. Good that it did you good.
Growing up I fished the Colorado Rockies with my dad. I liked the fishing, but I didn't like eating the trout -- still don't.
Your photos are awesome.
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