For those new to blogging: this will look like it reads backwards since the latest post is at the top. If you want to read this chronologically start with my first post for Sept. 2010 and read UP. Also photos can be made larger by clicking on them. Thanks for visiting and sorry for the need for special instructions!

Tetons in the background provide a great treat after traveling the Interstate. Those major highways are great for moving lots of material long distances fast, but they are not usually very interesting. From here on we're taking the "blue highways" the small 2 lane guys that snake around the nape of the earth and drop one off at unexpected places.

Another photo of our Targhee Camp Site near Alpine, WY. These large sites are a great reason for camping in the Forest and Park Service campgrounds. We spent most the summer in these remote, more primitive sites rather than the RV parks with the cheek by jowl parking.
1 comment:
big tits ... you got to love them!
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