Thursday, September 9, 2010


Old Faithful is the symbol of Yellowstone and because it is predictable, people generally get to see it. Among geysers, this is unusual. Some are sporadic with long dormancy periods. Since tourists spend on average 3 days at Yellowstone, this is the most likely geyser they will see. Of the 3-4,000 visitors watching OF it looked like 90% had a digital camera and I suspect shot multiple photos resulting about 10,000 photo per blow, perhaps 60,000/day. This is one of them!

This hardly looks like a pool of water until you notice the reflections of the two people in it. Like many pools, the colors come from the plant life with different varieties living at different temperatures.

The River Geyser puts on a satisfying and long lasting show once it starts.

1 comment:

snowy owl said...

geysers. Too hot for me. I rathered ride the buffalo or dance with the bear.