We’ve been hiking lots. Seems like a good thing, healthy, as well as a fantastic op to see so many great places. A hard place to appreciate with desert, cactus, creosote bushes, 3 kinds a rattlesnake, scorpions, copper heads, dog-eating javalinas (collared peccaries), scorching sun, freezing nights with snow and wind driven dirt in between. Jeez, what AM I doing here? Well, enjoying the great views of the Chisos Mtns and finding rock art by the first people and sharing it with the good people. The long views are so open and clear of humans, no lights at night, no buildings anywhere and the least visited park in the lower 48 contiguous states. The weather varies dramatically. We had high winds after a perfect day that practically blew us off the cliff. We had 90 degree weather followed by a night at 28 F, a day with the NOON temp of 36F. It's been challenging to have the right clothes at hand. I've seen many birds, over 50 species and nearly half are new to me.

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